Friday, August 8, 2008

Hard to Believe It's Over

So many stories that so few will understand, that I do not bother to share the flame that sits beneath my heart and gives it warmth.

How do I put into words the smile of a child, the process of maturation of my students, their small gestures that mean the whole world... It feels redundant and silly to speak of simple acts that profoundly alter the shape of my soul, which I still do not believe in.

My god what a summer! I dig for sentences, but come up only with words, words like family, love, purpose, meaning, tears, smiles, laughter, intimacy, admiration, adoration, passion...

And for the first time, I hold onto my memories and souvenirs. I have my photos, I have my little booklet that every teacher wrote in, and my Dr. Seuss card from Gaby. I kept my flowers from Stephanie, I wear the shoes that X gave to me, and I have a heart filled to the brim with fondest memories of every teacher and student I came into contact with.

If I've wondered whether or not I am truly human, now I know it...

And every night as I wrote my lesson plans, I felt that the summer was an eternity, exhausting me, draining me and replenishing me every day. Each day seemed it would never end. And now I sit, wondering... how did the summer pass so quickly?

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