Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Amalgamation of Thoughts Relating to Breakthrough

We were asked to prepare "Presentations of Learning," short presentations that would convey some sort of personal growth, idea, or feeling that was experienced in the past 6 weeks as teachers. I collected several momentary ramblings, and made a pseudo-collage. I figure it came off as pretty lame, but that's okay, because it accurately communicates how I feel:

I began the summer with sincere intentions, but no idea on how to implement them. Teaching is the most difficult thing I have done. I hope, I beg, I pray, that my 8 week commitment made an inkling of a difference, put a scratch on the surface, spread forth a single ripple.

At Celebration, I see deft hands swiveling along drum heads, rhythms being coaxed out of leather hides. Students recite poetry as deep and vast as the ocean, as profound as the soul. And when I hear them, standing on stage, in front of parents and teachers and strangers, telling their audience with confidence and certainty that they will not fail, my throat chokes. In one evening, how many tears have I swallowed back?

And for each child, my heart swells, with an emotion that I cannot accurately define, but it appears to be a mixture, and if I listen closely enough I hear the singings, of pride, of joy, of love. And when I see the shy child smile, or feel the head that leans on my shoulder... when I know a connection has been made, my heart knows it's purpose, and my being is more clearly defined. A warmth overcomes me, and I am driven, motivated, as that which obfuscates truth is parted, and I see clearly something that I cherish and value with every fiber of my being. In this age of petty things, it is so difficult to find something of such unconditional value.

And now, 6 weeks have passed, the summer is over,
and I feel I barely got started.
I wish I had more to give,
More of myself to pour into each thing I do...

I suppose now that there is no going back, that doors I have only speculated about have been swung open...

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