Tuesday, June 24, 2008

On lesson plans, bicycling accidents, and being overwhelmed.

I woke up bright and early Thursday morning to head over to Breakthrough orientation. I had a good breakfast, and was in good spirits. I was riding my bike on pretty roads after the night rains, and I was rather exhilarated. Suddenly, as I turned a corner, my bike lost traction, and I went flying into the next lane, a few meters in front of a car. Luckily, it stopped, but I continue rolling, and accumulated several injuries.
Listed in order of disabling nature:
1. Right elbow, minor scratch
2. Left elbow, various scrapes and scratches
3. Both shoulders, limited mobility
4. Left hand, bruise on my palm - more disabling than it sounds
5. Right knee, greatly swollen, limits mobility

I have been unable to train seriously in over a week, and I find this quite upsetting.

Breakthrough, however, is going well. I am learning a lot about teaching styles and classroom management, as well as preparing lesson plans. I have many roles and responsibilities, more than I expected when I signed up for this position, but I am greatly enjoying this challenge. Mornings start at 7 a.m. and although I leave the school at 5p.m., I am still working on lesson plans, activities, etc, well into the evening.

I still need to find housing and an assistantship for Boston College. I need to figure out insurance while I am up there. But I'm working on these things.

I am going to Istanbul, Turkey and Paris, France with Aylin. I am in a bit of disbelief that this is real, but I know it is, and I am greatly looking forward to such an experience.

In the next 6 weeks, there are several things I must accomplish or work on:
1. Breakthrough
2. Training - Capoeira, Parkour, Heavy Bag
3. Boston College - Housing, Assistantship, Insurance
4. Practice French and Portuguese
5. Meditate daily (going quite well)
6. Practice quenna and berimbau
7. Continue to work on my creativity exercises

Well, that is all. I love the rain, I love my tea, and I love meandering and purposeless walks.


Salty Badger said...

I love your posts! I love the way your mind moves. Keep it up!
PS: what kind of tea?

Sean said...

Yerba mate, that's the good stuff!